Aaron Guilfoyle

Aaron Guilfoyle Special Counsel


WHS, Regulatory and Prosecutions


Aaron Guilfoyle


Work Health and Safety, Regulatory and Prosecutions

Prior to joining MacDonnells Law in 2022, Aaron was a highly accomplished state and federal prosecutor, serving in both Senior and Chief Executive roles within government.

In 2019, Aaron was appointed as Queensland’s inaugural independent Work Health and Safety Prosecutor, heading an independent statutory office, the Office of the Work Health and Safety Prosecutor. He was appointed by the Governor in Council for a five-year term, prosecuting work health and safety matters referred by the Office of Industrial Relations and mining safety matters referred by Resources Safety and Health Queensland.

As the Work Health and Safety Prosecutor, Aaron provided advice to those agencies, and also to the Minster for Industrial Relations, to whom he directly reported. His advice work spanned pre-brief advice and advice on prospects of conviction in novel and high-profile matters, and also legislative reform.

Through his experience in hundreds of WHS investigations and prosecutions, Aaron has developed the gold standard in advising and managing on WHS legal risks. He offers the most unique of insights and has an unrivalled ability to provide unequivocal advice to organisations, directors and officers to manage workplace risks.

Aaron is known for delivering results and for his ability to distil and solve complex problems in regulatory enforcement, including in the provision of prosecution advice and services to all levels of government.


  • Advising corporate and business clients on WHS and other regulatory compliance
  • Representing businesses in WHS incident response
  • Defending organisations, directors and officers charged with WHS and other regulatory offences
  • Providing regulatory prosecutions services to Government
  • Providing advice to all levels of Government on compliance and enforcement policy, procedure and legislation
  • Admission as barrister of HCA

Qualifications & Memberships

  • Bachelor of Laws, 2001

  • Bar Practice Course, QUT, 2002

  • Admitted as a Barrister of the Supreme Court of Queensland, 2003 Admitted as a Barrister of High Court of Australia, 2003

  • Member, Queensland Law Society